Ecological involvement

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Renovations and eco-logical resolutions

As soon as we arrived in the village in 2017, having already been activists previously in Alsace-Lorraine within ecological associations, our choice was to develop “ecotourism” there. It seemed obvious in the middle of this magnificent natural environment with exceptional views of the mountains and the sea. We then started our tourist accommodation rental activity in 2018 with always respect for nature, architecture, craftsmanship and local commerce, by adhering to an approach of quality and environmental responsibility.

This is why we began the interior renovation of this large Catalan farmhouse of almost 350 m2 by reviewing the insulation as a priority and changing all the doors and windows for GROSFILLEX aluminum double glazing, insulating the attic with rock wool and finally by completely repainting and modernizing it. Then to save energy, we installed 18 photovoltaic “solar” panels on our large south-facing terrace with at the same time a “thermodynamic ambient air” water heater coupled everywhere with reversible air conditioning at low noise level and consumption (which mosquitoes hate and that’s good!). For the economy and quality of water, we have gradually installed several rainwater collectors, replaced our large swimming pool with salts (without chemical chlorine), reviewed the waterproofing of the roof as well as our magnificent roof terrace in solarium with NAMGRASS synthetic turf (choice of recycled plastic certified for 15 years) lighter, economical and ecological ultimately given the weight, the cost and especially the constraints of continuous watering for a green roof in the South of France. With better thermal insulation ultimately in the Tower by avoiding both humidity and energy loss in winter as well as heat accumulation in summer. Finally, we installed on each kitchen faucet Aragon-SR Geyser water purifiers from EPIXEN-Bien-être (carbon filters) because of the increase throughout Europe in chemical chlorine by health authorities, especially during tourist periods and therefore the risks of nanoparticle deposits in town or country water; even if at the foot of the high Pyrenean mountains it is still quite pure, fortunately !

For the interior and exterior design we have favored WOOD, avoiding electrostatic plastic and toxic metals as much as possible, except in the kitchens where it is more difficult due to the radiation from household appliances. On the other hand, we have selected as much as possible low consumption, natural materials (such as cork or bamboo, ceramics, etc.) and French and/or local companies and above all recycling. Neither toxic household products (we provide you with ours from Ecocert), nor plastic glasses, bottles or straws here, even if we understand that our visitors may bring some back from their distant travels (with selective sorting in our trash bins at the entrance). For the coffee machine, for example, we have favored machines with paper filters or with metal-free refills (Senseo type or others) and for the barbecue-plancha, it is natural gas! The rest is electric thanks to solar panels and we keep WIFI with routers for convenience for everyone (we turn it off just after midnight). In a coherent and eco-conscious way, you offer a space of well-being and rejuvenation at Mas Natura can only go with the maximum reduction of noise & visual and electromagnetic nuisances, in addition to the revitalizing contact of wood, salt , water and natural light.

And finally for our other outdoor projects, we are still continuing the landscaping with our small permaculture orchard and vegetable garden (obviously zero pesticides here, everything is weeded by hand or machines!) and a small henhouse at the bottom of our large and long 2 hectare garden that we would like to rehabilitate as before into a large eco-logical orchard as well. In addition, we still refuse the installation of huge wind farms in the Aspres, as well as the LINKY “smart” meter with radio frequencies (probably carcinogenic in the long term) and CPL technology (on-line power line) which generates waves potentially toxic electromagnetics, and collect users’ personal data to then resell them to the public and private sector, with risks of hacking and fire… (Read the Linky Black Book :

Local “ecotourism” rather than foreign “greenwashing”

“Ecotourism is one of the sectors experiencing the highest rate of development in the world, unlike mass tourism which degrades natural environments, by integrating an ethical and eco-citizen dimension. Good practice guides are appearing for taking biodiversity into account in hotels” and accommodation in France as well – see Ecotourism.

Given that the term “local ecotourism” is not a protected label, just like that of “sustainable development” or “fair trade”, it is better to refer to the opinions of local residents, organic farmers and small local farmers, committed artists and craftsmen, truly independent traders like French Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and local associations more legitimate and competent in the matter than large industrialists & multinationals, often foreign and big brands, OGs or NGOs subsidized by the European Union to remotely identify what they consider to be “eco-logical and eco-responsible” offers in France and in our magnificent natural department of the Pyrénées Orientales. Neglected for too long by our Parisian leaders and their real estate developer friends, this has enabled the preservation of our landscapes and historical heritage. This is why always keep in mind that: true ecologists will always seek to act as little as possible on Nature and not the other way around. To meditate to better distinguish it in the future from the false “z’ecolos zététiciens” !

Because in France, like almost everywhere in Europe, we are witnessing an increasingly worrying phenomenon : industrial “greenwashing” which literally means “green cleaning” and which consists of inverting eco-logical values ​​by lying, frightening and blaming the poorest for the benefits of the richest or even the “es-crology” of the French, European and UN authorities towards taxpayers, consumers or tourists then find themselves the most taxed, plundered of their meager resources under the pretext of “ SAVE THE PLANET”, while continuing to build and destroy MOTHER NATURE with impunity through industrial environmental pollution covered up by our blind or corrupt leaders, While they themselves pollute it during their frequent trips, destruction or deadly constructions and colonial wars, or let it pollute without reacting in order to enrich private multinationals, more often foreign than really French! In reality, always the same big polluters, unpunished non-payers, a thousand times more energy consuming than any even “non-organic” farmers, rare French SMEs still alive and small traders, local artisans or other residents, visitors and travelers passing through. .

To worry and distract the public’s attention from their regular economic, ecological, health, political and military scandals and “crises”, these multi-billionaire multinationals and their vampire shareholders, their money-hungry traitors and stateless banksters work together in the shadows in link with international mafia traffickers who use the corruption, drugs and sexual deviance of our leaders, the malice of “experts” and embezzlement of mercenary pharmaceutical firms or criminal agri-food companies. All these “pretty little people”, giving lessons and morals, however, try whenever possible to “green” their slogans and reputations via their complicit media and “green pass in favor-of-the-planet-and-the-world”. environment and blablabla ! While doing strictly the opposite and each time contenting themselves with paying their “carbon points” to better pollute in complete peace, just as rich Catholics previously paid their indulgences to the clergy to obtain their place in paradise (“paradise’s pass” too) while continuing to wallow in lust and debauchery during their lifetime.

Main scams of private “greenwashing” and public “fraud”

So you will have understood, there is no “greenwashing z’écolo bobo” here! We tell the truth, we act with the truth and above all we remain ecological and consistent. While being respectful of the life choices of others, of course! Ultimately, everyone does what they can and not always what they want, and they can also change or not their rhythm of life and consumption according to their possibilities and their beliefs. On the other hand, when it comes to the waste of energy and water which are vital resources that concern us all, know that we have taken radical decisions such as denouncing the biggest energy scams of the century :

  • Firstly, the 100% electric car scam is absolutely not “eco-logical nor responsible” when on the contrary we must aim towards a reduction in nuclear power plants and radioactive waste, as well as pollution from the brakes of much heavier vehicles (more wear and particles), greater risks in the event of an accident or fire, also with the question of recycling and toxicity of lithium batteries extracted in open-air “rare earth” mines where poor African children work , Asians or Native Americans, like modern-day slaves, to extract tons of precious metals for the manufacture of our computers or telephone screens and especially large wind engines or rotors, etc. Just as it will be necessary to gut our sidewalks and other buildings or existing infrastructures to slide in kilometers of copper and other cables in order to allow all these millions of electric vehicles to be recharged almost anywhere (in the city, in the countryside or in the mountains). pollutants ultimately more than diesel. Especially since they break down more often in winter and always lack the autonomy to arrive safely. And finally because, as with wind turbines, there are real risks of spontaneous fires with these machines and other hidden malfunctions.
  • Secondly, the scandal of RE (called Renewable Energies) which are totally dependent on the climate, such as wind turbines (useless without wind) or solar energy (useless at night), therefore still insufficient to reduce the number of nuclear, oil, gas or coal… Gigantic wind turbines more than 150 to 250m high today (half the Eiffeil Tower) which are destroying our landscapes, coastlines, forests, mountains and even our historic buildings. Especially since these land or maritime wind turbines are very noisy, polluting and energy-consuming due to their manufacturing abroad, transport, construction, operation and then dismantling, which will further pollute our environment for 20 or 30 years of operation by private industrial companies. foreign (tons of motor oil, tons of concrete bases and reinforcement in the basement, burying the blades on site, etc.), which also destroy thousands of migratory birds, large eagles, swallows and bats (increase in mosquitoes and heat), as well as local flora and fauna, etc. Finally, wind turbines, as unsightly as they are useless, will not even produce electricity locally (return to the national network to resell it at low prices abroad), nor unfortunately as much as a nuclear power plant (barely 5-7% of our annual production in France of all renewable energies compared to around 75% of nuclear) with a load factor of barely 16 to 20% depending on the year. Not to mention the electromagnetic pollution that they propagate several kilometers.
  • Thirdly, the toxicity of electromagnetic waves during the deployment of 5G and “smart meters” such as Linky, Gaspar & co like ENEDIS, EDF, SAUR… who absolutely want to impose them on us by all means, including by force and deterrence, blackmail, threats, defamation and slander and even judicial harassment, etc. To better track our consumption (but not that of the privileged rich obviously!), file and limit our needs according to their own needs, desires or false beliefs; for example in the event of energy and electricity needs for the military or emergencies, in the event of a supposed drought in a village to supply cities, etc. But in reality, to better control us and increasingly restrict our freedoms of action, expression, protest, publication or choice. This is why it is necessary to read and document a lot to better understand where, why and how electromagnetic waves negatively impact our environment and our health and primarily that of babies and pregnant women, the disabled, chronically ill and elderly or electrosensitive people (particularly in cases of cardiac arrhythmia, cancers due to chronic inflammations and degenerative diseases, overheating of the limbs and brain, nausea or headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, insomnia, etc.), as well as the impact on local flora and wildlife, domestic or farmed, on migratory birds and fish or marine or terrestrial mammals, insects and pollinators, etc.

Other local, ecological and sustainable solutions :

While at the local level, in the Eastern Pyrenees, while continuing to develop solar panels on buildings and not on agricultural or wine-growing land, we should focus more, as in Portugal, on the reasoned and reasonable exploitation of Liège and firewood during the 2-3 months of winter. Excellent insulator, water-repellent (water-resistant) as well as flame-retardant (fire-resistant), cork is a natural material with multiple properties and potential (building, heating, furniture but also leather goods, etc.). Especially since we are witnessing the great return of wood stoves in our remote villages where spaced-out homes still allow it and where old fireplaces remain fueled by real logs and not by potentially harmful industrial pellets (in addition to the constraints linked to the ‘supply). Likewise, at the national level we should reorganize our large cities as well as our countryside by upgrading our wood sector from truly sustainable “green zones” here because they are more easily traceable and controllable than abroad; which would make it possible to preserve our beautiful and tall forests, the true “lungs of humanity” in the medium or long term! Especially if we continue to maintain and monitor them thanks to the vigilance of our forest guards, public municipal pruning and the perseverance of small private owners. Likewise, in certain places in France, geothermal energy should still be developed (based on terrestrial heat or underground hot water) but only in non-seismic zones such as for shale gas or methanization, which can also be useful in some cases (but not in all). And only in certain small, well-targeted and widely spaced French companies in order to intelligently recycle certain agricultural waste or household bio-waste processed on site and not imported or exported in containers abroad and thus avoid further supplying the immense “mountain” landfills. » in Africa, Asia, South America, etc.

In summary, you understand, always consider several “Local solutions for a global disorder” (film by Coline Serreau from 2010) without imposing anything but just proposing !

Our commitment to preserving life

This is why for more than 20 years now, our activist and associative journey (first in the East of France, in Alsace-Lorraine, then here in the South of the Eastern Pyrenees) has taught us not to believe anything without prior verification; which led us towards a humanist commitment first and then an environmental one, increasingly realistic and demanding. Firstly, it started as young parents within various associations around birth, breastfeeding and parenthood then within our Association DANS LES BRAS which we co-founded in 2008 with several other parents and professionals for the promotion and protection of children & the environment through more proximal mothering (breastfeeding, carrying, baby massage, natural infant hygiene, organic food, CNV, etc.). Then there was membership in many other small or large associations and citizen collectives such as certain AMAP, Avenir, ATTAC or Greenpeace [well, that was before they turned bad!] with which we campaigned against nuclear power. notably the dismantling of the oldest nuclear power plant in Fessenheim in Alsace in a seismic zone, and even more recently with the Collectif LE VENT TOURNE or ROBIN DES TOITS which opened our minds to other realities on wind turbines and RE at the same time to reveal numerous health and environmental scandals surrounding electromagnetic waves.

So, when we left Lorraine in 2017 for the PO, we chose this little haven of peace in Banyuls-dels-Aspres in Catalan country on the edge of a rural and wine-growing village which we then thought was engaged at municipal level in a real approach to sustainable development. Passing among the first villages in France in “Zero phytho” at the time while trying to become relatively “autonomous” in renewable energies thanks to photovoltaics [unfortunately it was on agricultural land instead of buildings and therefore autonomy and the real profitability were only superficial too!], by promoting private or collective vegetable gardens without pesticides, by organizing composters or by improving roads and the quality of pipes or the recycling of waste… we thought we had then found our “little paradise”. Certainly nothing is perfect in this world! Particularly in these troubled times, and therefore fighting against scams, propaganda and invasive “greenwashing” is not an easy task, but the beauty of the landscape here is breathtaking, this exceptional view from the hills or mountains to the sea , reminds us to what extent human beings, however small they may be, have the responsibility as well as the duty to preserve all of this. We hope that you yourself will be touched when you arrive and above all revitalized when you leave with as much grace, peace and harmony.

Below are some of our associations of heart and eco-citizen commitment :

Association Loi 1907 founded in 2008 in Phalsbourg by parents and professionals for the promotion and defense of Birth, Breastfeeding and Parenting with Respect for the Environment, in Alsace (Bas-Rhin – 67) and Lorraine ( Moselle – 57) or on request currently in PO (66)
Head Office : 4 rue Suzel 57360 Phalsbourg – tel: +33 (0)6 26 50 30 61

Association Loi 1901 founded in 2008 by a group of residents of Aspres who united to fight against recurring wind farm projects in the Pyrenees Orientales and “defend the beauty of natural spaces and their quality of life in this beautiful dominated region by the Canigou”.
Head office : 8 residence plein soleil 66300 TRESSERRE – tel: 06 03 38 77 60

Association governed by Law 1901, founded in 2004 by professionals and residents of electricity pylons, Linky meters or others, who subsequently became electrosensitive and who now work at the national level for information on the real dangers of wireless technologies, their ban on anarchic expansion and health security for all.
Date of foundation : May 19, 2004.
Head office : 22 rue Descartes – 78460 CHEVREUSE
Tel : 09 73 32 35 00 – contact[a]
Mondays from 6:00 p.m. / 7:30 p.m. (all subjects) or Fridays from 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. or Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (only for electrohypersensitive people: EHS)